August 14, 2011

Yang Mei - Ancient Town of Nanning

About an hour and a half out of Nanning is Yang Mei, known as the ancient town of Nanning (
To get there, you travel through lush countryside and rural areas.  I went there with some Chinese friends who tell me that this is what most of China, outside of big cities, is like.

Yang Mei has an abundance of fruit trees and natural produce.
pomegranate tree

drying rice and peanuts

vats for fermenting pijiu (rice wine)
 The town is very picturesque and traditional.

carrying goods up the hill
It is mostly known for its preserved buildings dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
entrance to a preserved home
inside a preserved home
We had a very relaxing day there, with a superb lunch cooked with local produce of fish, starfruit, dragoneye fruit and other delicacies.
local crab

Jing, Troy, Lining, Mike


  1. Ha A, het wordt tijd dat ik je kom bezoeken.
    Alles mooi en interessant.
    Volgend voorjaar misschien????
    Liefs Ninky

  2. Ninky comes first to us on the boat, next week, in Greece; but she loves to travel, so keep some dates free for my sis.

    PS The crabs look real small. Are they good?

  3. Looks great! How's the Chinese coming along?
